Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ping! - "BBM" for iPhone

What is does:
Plain and simple - it allows you to share a similar experience to what blackberry users have with Blackberry Messenger. It allows for a messaging world where you can share a user-chosen name (like "Immagoose!") instead of your phone number, then send and receive messages using your data or wifi.

iPhone AND Ipod touch users can have this!
It has push notifications - so it acts just LIKE an sms on your phone.
You can connect ping contacts with your onboard contacts.
You can be anonymous - so feel free to meet new friends online, just like BBM for Facebook for the blackberry users (Be careful though guys, online friends are usually better when they remain online and don't know too much about you..).
Messages seem to be sent and received faster than sms.

The 'lite' version has ads..
The built in spell checker doesn't typically work - not for me anyways. I tend to type quite well, so I don't notice - but for some this MAY be an issue.
There are no emotions - so ":)" looks just as it's typed, no fun little smiley faces - pitty really.
You have to pay $0.99 to send photos - ON TOP of the $0.99 to purchase the app.
This is a bug, but you CANNOT delete contacts. You can erase conversations, but if you try to delete a contact then the app restarts

Lite is FREE
Full is $0.99

I really like this app - it's simple, but it works. For many you'll probably just stick with the free version - the full version simply adds contact integration, removal of those pesty advertisements, and the ability to send pics..

4/5 stars. I mean there's a free version that works well - so can you really complain?

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